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Assembly Source File
170 lines
;* Sample code to change the timer value
;* Written by Dave M. Walker
;* Frequency for 8253 = 4.77MHz/4 = 1192500
;* Default BIOS countdown = 65536 = 18.2/sec
ORG 0100h
Start: jmp Begin
PSPlen equ 0100h ;Used to calc. TSR length
VideoSeg equ 0b800h ;For color
;VideoSeg equ 0b000h ;For mono
NewCount equ 582 ;2048/sec
CmdReg8253 equ 43h ;8253 Command Register port
TickChannel equ 40h ;8253 System Timer channel
TickInt equ 08h ;IRQ0 = INT 08
Warning$ db 13,10
db 'WARNING! This program reprograms the 8253'
db ' timer chip. If the system is running under a'
db ' multitasker, the system may hang or behave'
db ' abnormally.',13,10,'Continue (Y/N)? $'
Begin: mov dx,OFFSET Warning$ ;Warn user that we're going
mov ah,9 ; to mess with the timer
int 21h
KeyLoop: mov ah,8 ;Get Y/N response
int 21h
xor ah,ah
or al,al
jne GotKey
mov ah,8 ;Handle extended keycode
int 21h
xor ah,ah ;Make it negative
neg ax
GotKey: cmp ax,3 ; ^C = Abort
je Abort
cmp ax,27 ;ESC = Abort
je Abort
cmp ax,78 ;"N" = Abort
je Abort
cmp ax,110 ;"n" = Abort
je Abort
cmp ax,89 ;"Y" = Continue
je Continue
cmp ax,121 ;"y" = Continue
je Continue
mov dl,7 ;Invalid response - beep!
mov ah,2
int 21h
jmp KeyLoop ;Try again
Abort: mov ax,4c00h ;Back to DOS
int 21h
Continue: mov al,TickInt ;Get old timer vector
mov ah,35h
int 21h
mov [OldSeg],es ;Save it
mov [OldOfs],bx
mov dx,OFFSET NewISR ;Set new timer vector
mov ah,25h ; (DS already correct)
int 21h
mov al,36h ;Reprogram 8253 countdown
out CmdReg8253,al ; register
mov ax,NewCount
out TickChannel,al ;Send LSB
mov al,ah
out TickChannel,al ;Send MSB
mov dx,Paragraphs ;Calculate size of routine
mov ax,3100h ;TSR with errorlevel 0
int 21h
;* New timer ISR and data
SlowCounter db 4 ;Counter for generating
; 1/512 sec interval
BIOSCounter dw 0 ;Counter for BIOS's handler
LABEL OldVector DWORD ;BIOS's timer vector
OldOfs dw ? ; Offset portion
OldSeg dw ? ; Segment portion
NewISR: call FastHook ;Fast routine always called
dec [cs:SlowCounter] ;If --counter != 0
jne SkipSlow ; not time yet...
call SlowHook ;else call the slow routine
mov [cs:SlowCounter],4 ; and reset counter
SkipSlow: add [cs:BIOSCounter],NewCount ;Update BIOS counter
jno SkipBIOS ;If no overflow, skip
pushf ;else simulate a clock tick
call [DWORD cs:OldVector] ; interrupt
iret ;BIOS already ACK'ed the INT
SkipBIOS: push ax
mov al,20h ;Acknowledge the INT by
out 20h,al ; resetting the 8259 PIC
pop ax
;* This is the fast interrupt procedure. All registers except the flags
;* MUST be preserved, including segment registers. The ONLY register that
;* has a known value at the beginning of this procedure is CS.
FastNum dw 0 ;Counter
FastHook: push dx di ;Save regs
mov dx,[cs:FastNum] ;Get our counter
inc [cs:FastNum] ;Update it
mov di,(0)*160+(79)*2 ;Right edge at (0,79)
call DispNum ;Display it
pop di dx
;* This is the slow interrupt procedure. Same rules apply.
SlowNum dw 0 ;Counter
SlowHook: push dx di ;Save regs
mov dx,[cs:SlowNum] ;Get our counter
inc [cs:SlowNum] ;Update it
mov di,(0)*160+(74)*2 ;Right edge at (0,74)
call DispNum ;Display it
pop di dx
DispNum: push ax cx es
mov ax,VideoSeg ;Point ES to video
mov es,ax
mov ah,0fh ;Attribute for display
mov cx,0404h ;Set CL=4 for shifts, and
; CH=4 for loop counter
std ;Going backwards!
DispNumLoop: call DispDigit ;Display a digit
shr dx,cl ;Rotate for next digit
dec ch
jnz DispNumLoop ;Do it four times
pop es cx ax
DispDigit: mov al,dl ;Get low byte
and al,0fh ;Keep only low nybble
add al,'0' ;Convert to hex ASCII
cmp al,'9'
jbe NotLetter
add al,7 ;Adjust for letter
NotLetter: stosw ;Store digit/attribute
Paragraphs = ($-Start+PSPlen+15) SHR 4
END Start